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May 7th and 8th 7pm and 9pm
The Flying Nun at Brand X Burton St Darlinghurst

Born of a Lightbulb it Seemed is a small-scale hybrid theatre piece presented as part of The Flying Nun’s Season 6 of Contemporary Performance. Exploring the intimacy of imagination and the expansiveness of loneliness and hope it revels in taking the audience inside delicate moments of domesticity.

Solo performer Sarah Easterman explores the secretive power of body accessorisation. The power of the witch to animate objects. Not to mobilise them but rather to give them spirit/soul, which is blasphemous contrary to the patriarchal model of life from Divinity.

A woman lives alone, restless for expression. Staving off loneliness in a world clinging to the idea of Noah's ark where we must all travel to our deaths two-by-two, she begins to anthropomorphise objects in her house, until she finds the one. Is it a dissociative breakdown, or is it love?


The stage is set: decorative curtains, wallpaper, brooms, throw cushions. An infomercial video plays, TV Shopping meets Jane Fonda. We are led through a series of exercises, repetitively sold on the virtues of the ‘Working it Out’ fitness system.
“Feel the burn”, Fonda enthused in her workouts. Kate Mitchell wants us to feel the burn too.

The question is, what is burning?


By Kate Mitchell.


Ongoing research into loneliness, empathy, memory, movement, motherhood and comedy fuels my practice. My raw material includes elements of performance, theatre, installation and choreography.

I seek to create a series of contemporary rituals and experiences within interlocking performative machines and laboratories. These charged theatrical spaces invite the uncanny, provoke unforeseen thought patterns, and cast light upon human interaction through touch, sound, voice and vibration.


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"(Sarah's) quiet brutality provides valuable fortification to how the plot unfolds..."


BIRD by Katherine Chandler

AT the Old Fitz Theatre, Sydney

PRESENTED by Secret House

PLAYED the role of Ava's mother, Claire.

REVIEW available here.




"The self-directed cast brings
to the stage something that is quite extraordinary in its acerbity and exuberance."


JOBREADY by Caitlin Doyle-Markwick

AT the Old 505 Theatre, Sydney

PRESENTED by Big Muscles Sad Heart


REVIEW available here. 



"The trio are excellent, it is a dialogue-lite piece that relies on sophisticated use of their physicality and facial expressions which they manage with aplomb."

JULY 2019


AT the Pact Theatre, Sydney

PRESENTED by Big Muscles Sad Heart

PLAYED Olympic Athlete

REVIEW available here


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